Time for a New Year Check Up?


So 2017 is now here and it is time for a hosting check up.   We have compiled a list of checks that you should carry out this month, this week, in fact do it now – it could save you a lot of time and trouble in the future:

Check for updates

If you are running a WordPress site you should be running WordPress version 4.7.  The latest version of WordPress was released on 6th December 2016, named Vaughan in honor of legendary jazz vocalist Sarah “Sassy” Vaughan.  Full details of what is new can be found on the WordPress site here.

Check your backup

When was the last time you checked to make sure that your backup ran and more importantly have you tested it?  If you host with a server managed by RocketWP then your server is automatically backed up once every 24 hours, if your site is managed by RocketWP then we will have installed our preferred backup plugin, iThemes Backup Buddy and you can rest assured that your site can be restored.

Check your site PageSpeed and YSlow

If you want to get high up on search ranking you need a fast site, enter your URL over at GTMetrix.com and find out how quick your site loads and what grade you get.  If your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load and/or gets a PageSpeed or YSlow ranking of C or below then you need to look at optimising your site.

Check your site is free of malware and other malicious content

Checking your site for malware and other threats is another easy check to run, enter your URL over at Sucuri.net and get a basic check of your site.  This remote check is free and although not guaranteed to 100% accurate it is a great place to start.

Install an SSL Certficate

Google Chrome is pushing the secure everything on the web agenda and will start displaying Secure or Not Secure next to every site you visit.  Now while your site might not contain sensitive information or have a shop or a login page it is still going to worry visitors if it displays Not Secure.

All the above checks should not take very long, however if you would prefer we can run a free comprehensive checkup of your site for free!  Just click the button below, complete the form and we’ll be in touch.

FREE! Health Check

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