Domain Monitoring
If your domain expires your site goes down - it's that simple. We check the expiry of your domain to make sure it gets renewed.
DNS Monitoring
We monitor your DNS records, if they change your site could go down or email could stop being delivered.
Every site on the web needs a domain name, we all spend ages agonising over the best domain name for our sites. Domain names are purchased and records configured and everything runs smoothly. But issues can arise.
Domain Expiry
We’ve all been there – we definitely have and it is why we now include this service – a client calls as their website has gone down. After frantically checking the site, ringing technical support and spending time pulling your hair out you work out that the domain has expired.
It can be for a whole host of issues, normally it is an issue with the card used to purchase the domain originally, it’s expired, changed or you no longer use that bank. No matter what the reason the domain has expired. The other common reason is the domain is not set to auto-renew and the email got lost.
Yes you got the email but it got lost in the endless stream of emails from your hosting company promoting their services and it just got missed.
If your site is on either our WordPress Advanced or WordPress Advanced Care Plan we add your (or your client’s) domain to our domain monitoring service. We receive an alert 30,14,7 and 1 day before expiry and on the day that the domain expires, we contact you by email when we receive the alert 30 and 14 days before and as soon as we receive the 7 day warning you will get daily calls to renew the domain.
If you’re an agency partner these alerts will also be sent your private Slack channel.
DNS Monitoring
DNS monitoring takes domain monitoring one stage further. Clients on our WordPress Advanced Plus Care Plan get this service as standard. DNS monitoring actually monitors the DNS records that have been setup. When you sign up for our Advance Plus Care Plan we note down all the DNS records, we then ask you to confirm them. Once confirmed these records are monitored for changes every 24 hours.
If any of the records change we contact you to ensure that the change is valid and that the new data is correct. If it is then we update the rules, if the record change is wrong and not authorised we can work with you to get it sorted, quickly.
If you’re an agency partner these alerts will also be sent your private Slack channel.
Complete Monitoring
Domain and DNS monitoring coupled with up time, page speed, page size and black list monitoring means that we are aware of any issue with your site or your domain. Alerts are sent to us via email and Slack, our agency/designer partners also receive the same alerts to their private Slack channel.
RocketWP is committed to helping site owners, agencies and developers manage their WordPress websites. Regardless of the number of sites you host we will help you keep them secure, backed up up to date and fast.
We Status Cake to provide our monitoring solutions so if you are not a RocketWP customer but want to either monitor your own site and domain or you want to provide this service for your clients then head over to www.statuscake.com and sign up for your own account (if they ask tell them we sent you).